Enrolment Process
The enrolment process at Heritage College is designed to help you to appreciate as much as possible what our school offers in terms of academic programs, ethos, amenities and culture. If you have any questions at all about the process, we encourage you to ring our Receptionist on 9453 1833. They will be very happy to help and answer any questions.
We also encourage you to come in and view our facilities in person, ideally with your child(ren) present. The option of children spending a day or part of a day in the classroom is also available.
If you like what you see, we will then arrange an interview between yourself and the Principal to discuss your application to enrol. Following this interview, if you wish to proceed with an application to enrol, you can fill out the Enrolment Application form available below and send it to the Registrar, along with a $50 application fee.

Call Reception on 9453 1833 or email reception@hcp.wa.edu.au to register your interest and leave your contact details so that we can send you an information pack.

Book a tour of the College with your children. You're welcome to send them along for a day to experience our classrooms.

Arrange an interview with our Principal, Andrew Symington. He will discuss your application, and answer any questions you may have.
Our Enrolment process is set out below. Once your Application to Enrol has been received along with all supporting documentation and Application Fee, the Enrolments Officer will be in touch to explain the next steps.
Payment of Fees, donations to assist with expenses (not tax deductible) and all other general expense payments can be made to the General Operating Account:
Heritage College Perth Inc
Bank: National Australia Bank
BSB: 086 455
Account: 55 673 1378

Submit your form at the College Reception or email to reception@hcp.wa.edu.au with all supporting documentation.

An application fee of $50 is payable per student. This can be paid via EFT or at the College Reception. EFT details are on the Enrolment Form.
We look forward to you being part of the Heritage College community!
Enrolment Interview and Position Confirmation
Subsequent to successful submission of an "Application to Enrol" you will be required to attend an interview with the Principal of Heritage College. During this interview further information will be discussed regarding the College and opportunity will be given to answer any questions you may have. This interview is primarily for the parent/guardian to attend however students are always welcome also.
After this interview, parents/guardians will be contacted to advise when and if there is a place available.
When considering applications, the following is taken into consideration and priorities given accordingly:
Christadelphian children with siblings already enrolled at the College.
Christadelphian children not currently enrolled at the College.
Non Christadelphian children with siblings already enrolled at the College.
Other factors that may be taken into consideration and each application is considered carefully on it's merits and the College's guiding principle of "Walking in Truth".