Parents & Friends
At Heritage College we have a very active and enthusiastic P&F group, we run school events and activities which not only help to provide state-of-the-art equipment and facilities for the students but also provides services for Parents and Guardians such as morning teas, school lunches and great entertainment events such as our biennial Bush Bash and Fairs/Fetes. Since the commencement of the College, our Parents & Friends group has contributed in excess of $200,000 towards school resources and projects, and has been instrumental in helping our school to become the bright and interesting learning environment that we see today.
Our Parents and Friends Committee is currently composed of the following volunteers:
Chairperson: Sarann Dawes (pandfchairman@hcp.wa.edu.au)
Secretary: Verity Palmer (pandfsecretary@hcp.wa.edu.au)
Treasurer: Tom Schueler (pandftreasurer@hcp.wa.edu.au)
You do not need to be a parent to attend P&F meetings or to assist or participate in P&F activities – everyone is welcome! However, we do need a quorum of at least 6 parents of students to be able to conduct business at each meeting (both primary and secondary parents are most welcome).
Parents & Friends hold a meeting once per term. We encourage you to come along, have a chat with friends, and get involved in actively supporting our school. If you have a question or some ideas for our P&F please email pandf@hcp.wa.edu.au.
P&F meetings are held on the second/third Thursday of each school term. Meeting times will be advertised via School Newsletter and to the Parents and Community group each term.
For some of you the P&F might be completely new and for others, you may have heard about us but haven’t yet been involved. Below we would like to clear up some preconceived ideas that you may have about P&F groups in general.
“Meetings are long and happen often.”
Meetings generally last for about an hour and are only scheduled once per term! You are welcome at all meetings however your attendance at just one would be very much appreciated.
“I have to dedicate lots of my time to help out.”
Being a part of the parents & friends association can mean giving as little or as much time as you are able. There is a place for everyone to make some kind of contribution. Maybe you can contribute a slice, cookies or muffins for a morning tea, give assistance with a special school lunch, provide some items for the Mother’s Day stall or maybe you have some fundraising ideas to share.
“Only parents can be part of the association.”
Parents are certainly encouraged to be involved however we appreciate any help that is available and if you have other family members such as aunts/uncles, grandparents etc who would be interested in participating they would be most welcome.
We understand that life is busy, juggling parenting, work, school and social commitments, however we encourage you to come along to a meeting. We truly appreciate and value input from our school families and our meetings provide an opportunity for you to share ideas, hear others ideas and be involved in our school community. If you have a question about the P&F please contact our P&F team at pandf@hcp.wa.edu.au.
If you would like to contribute to P&F Fundraising, please contact pandf@hcp.wa.edu.au for bank details.